基于分布式光纤测振的侵入智能识别方法研究(硕士论文) 知网查重报告-九游会j9登录

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基于分布式光纤测振的侵入智能识别方法研究(硕士论文) 知网查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要

本文旨在探讨分布式光纤振动探测技术在围栏安防监控中的应用。首先,介绍了分布式光纤传感技术的研究背景及其在安防监控领域中的重要性。随后,通过对分布式光纤振动探测的理论基础进行解析,主要介绍了光纤中光的几种散射现象和光时域反射技术的发展和改进,为后续研究奠定了基础。然后,设计并搭建了cotdr分布式传感系统,并评估了其性能指标。在数据的采集及处理方面,针对光纤振动数据提出了vmd-小波改进阈值函数降噪以及导向滤波处理算法,并通过和累加平均、移动平均、小波阈值降噪、小波改进阈值函数降噪进行效果对比,验证了本文所提出的算法的有效性。针对侵入事件智能识别问题,以围栏作为实验场地,采集了安静、攀爬、敲击、虚假扰动和吹风扰动五种扰动事件数据,事件标签分别为0、1、2、3、4,共3108个样本数据。提出了基于bp lightgbm的神经网络识别算法,并和单独的lightgbm、bp神经网络模型进行了对比实验。针对同一数据集,lightgbm、bp神经网络和bp lightgbm神经网络识别模型的预测准确率分别为92.44%、92.12%、98.71%。并且,lightgbm、bp神经网络模型对事件1的识别准确率只有71.0%和86.3%,bp lightgbm神经网络识别模型对事件1的识别准确率为96.9%。实验结果表明,本文所提算法不仅具有更高的识别准确率,还能够有效改善lightgbm、bp神经网络模型对各类事件的预测不平衡性。



this thesis aims to discuss the application of distributed fiber optic vibration detection technology in fence security monitoring. firstly, the research background of distributed optical fiber sensing technology and its importance in the field of security monitoring are introduced. then, the theoretical basis of distributed fiber vibration detection is analyzed, and the development and improvement of optical time-domain reflectometry (otdr) technology are introduced, which lays a foundation for the follow-up research. then, the cotdr distributed sensing system is designed and built, and its performance index is evaluated. in terms of data acquisition and processing, vmd-wavelet improved threshold function denoising and guided filter processing algorithms are proposed for optical fiber vibration data, and the efficacy of the proposed algorithm is validated through comparison with the cumulative average, moving average, wavelet threshold and wavelet improved threshold function denoising. in order to solve the problem of intelligent identification of intrusion events, the data of quiet disturbance, climbing disturbance, knocking disturbance, false disturbance and blowing disturbance were collected by using fence as the experimental site. the event labels were 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, and a total of 3108 sample data were collected. a neural network recognition algorithm based on bp lightgbm is proposed and compared with the single lightgbm and bp neural network models. for the same data set, the prediction accuracy of lightgbm, bp neural network and bp lightgbm neural network is 92.44%, 92.12% and 98.71%, respectively. in addition, the recognition accuracy of the lightgbm and bp neural network models for event 1 is only 71.0% and 86.3%, and the recognition accuracy of the bp lightgbm neural network model for event 1 is 96.9%. the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm not only has higher recognition accuracy, but also can effectively improve the prediction unbalance of lightgbm and bp neural network models for various events.

keywords: distributed optical fiber sensing, fiber perimeter security, bp neural network, lighgbm


第一章 绪论

1.1 背景及意义

1.2 分布式光纤传感技术研究现状

1.3 本文主要工作和结构安排

第二章 分布式光纤振动探测理论基础

2.1 光纤中光的散射

2.1.1 瑞利散射

2.2 光时域反射技术(otdr)原理

2.3 φ-otdr技术的基本原理

2.4 cotdr分布式传感系统

2.5 本章小结

第三章 实验系统设计

3.1 cotdr分布式传感系统搭建

3.2 实验系统主要元器件及参数

3.2.1 窄线宽激光器

3.2.2 声光调制器

3.2.3 光纤放大器

3.2.4 光电平衡探测器

3.2.5 数据采集卡

3.2.6 单模测振光纤

3.3 cotdr实验平台

3.4 cotdr测振系统的性能指标

3.4.1 空间分辨率

3.4.2 频率响应范围

3.4.3 传感距离

3.5 本章小结

第四章 数据的采集及处理

4.1 数据的采集

4.2 信号的调制解调

4.2.1 正交解调基本原理

4.2.2 相位解卷绕方法

4.3 信号的滤波算法

4.3.1 直接累加平均法

4.3.2 移动平均法

4.3.3 小波阈值去噪算法

4.3.4 vmd小波阈值去噪算法

4.3.5 导向滤波算法

4.4 实验验证

4.5 本章小结

第五章 侵入事件智能识别研究

5.1 训练数据集制作

5.1.1 时域特征提取

5.1.2 频域特征提取

5.1.3 时频域特征提取

5.1.4 特征筛选

5.2 lightgbm算法

5.3 bp神经网络

5.4 基于bp lightgbm的扰动识别

5.5 本章小结

第六章 识别算法验证与监测软件设计

6.1 评价指标

6.2 扰动实验验证

6.3 在线监测软件设计

第七章 总结与展望

7.1 总结

7.2 展望

致   谢


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