基于鸿蒙系统的智能家庭照明控制系统的设计与实现 毕业论文-九游会j9登录

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基于鸿蒙系统的智能家庭照明控制系统的设计与实现 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

封面示例(摘  要


照明系统是智能家居环境发展不可或缺的组成部分, 而传统的照明控制,主要是为了满足人们在生活生产中对于光照强度的需求。在控制方面,多以开关控制为主,用户能够通过开关来控制灯具的开闭。这类照明设备的功能简单,安装价格便宜,互换性好。但存在的问题是,大范围使用的情况下,只能通过人为进行控制,无法对大量的照明设备进行快速有效的管理,很容易由于人为的操作问题造成电能的浪费。因此,人们对照明的品质有了更高的追求和要求, 家庭照明系统由传统化逐渐走向智能化已经成为了一种发展趋势。




with the continuous development of china's economy and society, the acceleration of urbanization construction and the acceleration of the pace of new rural construction, the home environment of chinese residents has been further improved, and the requirements of residents for the home environment have been further improved, prompting the home industry to develop in the direction of more comfortable, more convenient, safer and more efficient.

lighting system is an integral part of the development of smart home environment, and traditional lighting control is mainly to meet people's needs for light intensity in life and production. in terms of control, mostly switch control, the user can control the opening and closing of the lamp through the switch. the function of this kind of lighting equipment is simple, the installation price is cheap, and the interchangeability is good. however, the problem is that in the case of a wide range of use, it can only be controlled by humans, and a large number of lighting equipment can not be quickly and effectively managed, and it is easy to waste electrical energy due to human operation problems. therefore, people have a higher pursuit and requirements for the quality of lighting, and the home lighting system has become a development trend from traditional to intelligent.

based on harmonyos, the system uses human infrared sensor and light sensor to determine whether the lighting system needs to be turned on or off when the detection value in the current room is detected. when someone is detected in the room and the light intensity threshold is reached, the lighting system will be automatically turned on. when no one is detected in the room or the light intensity threshold is not reached, the lighting system will be automatically turned on. the lighting system is automatically turned off, while the lighting intensity and current lighting system status are displayed in the app through huawei cloud, and users can also remotely control, bringing more convenience to people's lives.

keywords: huawei cloud;harmonyos;home lighting

目    录


1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国外研究现状

1.2.2 国内研究现状

1.2.3 研究现状综述

1.3 研究思路

1.4 本章小结

2 系统主要技术

2.1 感知层主要技术

2.1.1 传感器技术

2.2 通信层主要技术

2.2.1 mqtt协议

2.2.2 wifi通信技术

2.2.3 http协议

2.3 应用层主要技术

2.3.1 mysql数据库

2.3.2 openharmony技术

2.3.3 harmony os开发技术

2.3.4 华为云技术

2.4 本章小结

3 系统分析与设计

3.1 需求分析

3.1.1 系统功能需求分析

3.1.2 系统非功能需求分析

3.2 系统总体结构

3.2.1 系统总体模块架构设计

3.2.2 系统总体流程

3.3 系统详细设计

3.3.1 硬件子系统设计

3.3.2 通信子系统设计

3.3.3 应用子系统设计

3.4 本章小结

4 系统实现

4.1 数据采集子系统的实现

4.1.1 光照强度数据采集实现

4.1.2 人体红外感应实现

4.2 通信子系统的实现

4.2.1 开发板连接到华为云平台实现

4.3 用户交互子系统实现

4.3.1 用户app实现

4.4 本章小结

5 系统测试

5.1 系统测试工具与测试方法

5.2 系统测试用例分析

5.3 数据采集功能测试

5.4 信息上报功能测试

5.5 app显示功能测试

5.6 app对设备控制的实现测试

5.7 阈值自动触发功能测试

5.8 本章小结

6 结论

致  谢

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