摘 要
this design is based on the relevant data and designs a municipal sewage treatment plant with a daily capacity of 130,000 cubic meters. it mainly deals with the domestic sewage from dongbei province, and requires that the water quality of the discharged water should meet the first level standard of the pollutant discharge standard (gb18918-2002) of the urban sewage treatment plant. bod/cod =0.462 according to the data, can be better biological sex, hard to biodegradation of toxic heavy metals and other harmful pollutants are generally not overweight, sewage main pollutant indexes in the bod, cod, ss value for typical urban sewage, nitrogen, phosphorus content is low, as nutrients, in the process does not need to be treated separately, this design uses the oxidation ditch process.
the removal efficiency of this process is high and stable. can withstand shock load better. the sludge settling performance is good. the two different environmental conditions and the organic cooperation of different kinds of microbial flora can simultaneously remove the organic and nitrogen removal functions. the effect of denitrification is affected by the ratio of the mixture reflux ratio. in the process of removing organics from nitrogen removal, the process is the simplest, and the total hydraulic retention time is less than that of other processes. management and maintenance simple operation cost low, domestic engineering examples are many, process mature, easy to obtain project management experience.
keywords:urban sewage; oxidation ditch; denitrification
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1设计任务 1
1.2设计目的及意义 1
1.3设计要求 2
1.4设计资料 2
1.5设计依据 3
2 设计方案论证 3
2.1厂址选择 4
2.2污水厂处理流程的选择 4
2.4污水处理程度计算 9
3. 污水的一级处理构筑物设计计算 10
3.1格栅 10
3.2提升泵站 14
3.3沉砂池 18
4 污水的二级处理设计计算 23
4.1厌氧池 de型氧化沟工艺计算 23
4.2辐流式沉淀池 32
4.3消毒设施计算 41
4.4计量设备 44
5 污泥处理设计计算 47
5.1污泥处理的目的与处理方法 47
5.2污泥泵房设计 48
5.3污泥浓缩池 49
5.4贮泥池 53
5.5污泥脱水 55
6 污水处理厂的布置 60
6.1污水处理厂平面布置 60
6.2污水处理厂高程布置 63
参考文献 70
附 录 71
致 谢 72