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基于微信小程序商城毕业设计(小程序客户端 服务端node.js源码)毕业论文 运行说明
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


基于微信小程序商城毕业设计(小程序客户端 服务端node.js源码)毕业论文 运行说明-九游会j9登录




shopping malls system is a system to ensure the realization of online transactions based on shopping malls. market trading is a value-based exchange between the participating parties on the basis of equality, freedom and mutual benefit. online trading also follows the above-mentioned principles. as two organic components of the transaction, one is the exchange of information between the two parties, and the other is the exchange of equal value between the two sides. in online transactions, the information communication is realized through the digital information communication channel. one of the first conditions is that the two parties must have the corresponding information technology tools in order to make use of the communication channels based on the information technology. at the same time, make sure you can get through the int. ernet transactions must require enterprises, organizations and consumers to connect to internet, or internet cannot be used for transactions. it is necessary to provide the corresponding means of goods distribution and payment and settlement in order to ensure the exchange of equal value between the two parties in order to trade on the internet and the two sides are separated from each other in space. distribution of goods still depends on traditional logistics channels. payment and settlement can be paid by either traditional means or advanced online payment means. in addition, in order to ensure that businesses, organizations and consumers can take advantage of digital communication channels to ensure the smooth delivery and payment of transactions, it is required that the the middleman who provides this kind of service specially participates, namely the shopping mall service provider.

this article combs the characteristics, the present situation and the influence of wechat on the network marketing under the mobile internet environment, introduces the various functions of the current wechat public platform, and expounds the design idea of using wechat mini program to build the client side of the mall. and put forward the corresponding technical solution. under the development mode of wechat mini program, the mall client is realized by using javascript,html,css,node.js and other programming languages, and the basic marketing needs of the merchants on the wechat platform are satisfied.

key words: wechat, mini programs, mobile internet, mall client

目  录

摘  要 i

abstract ii

目  录 v

1  绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究课题和意义 2

1.3研究内容和论文结构 3

2  移动互联网环境下网络营销的现状分析 4

2.1移动互联网环境下网络营销的特点 4

2.2当前国内外移动互联网环境下网络营销的现状 7

2.3微信给移动互联网环境下网络营销带来的影响 8

3  微信小程序开发相关技术介绍 11

3.1微信小程序介绍 11

3.1.1微信介绍 11

3.1.2微信小程序简介 12

3.1.3微信小程序基本功能 13

3.1.4微信小程序高级功能 14

3.2微信小程序开发技术的介绍 15

3.2.1node.js 15

3.2.2javascript 15

3.2.3xml 16

3.2.4html5 17

4  基于微信小程序的商城客户端功能模块设计 18

4.1基于微信小程序的商城客户端需求分析 18

4.1.1平台用户的功能需求 18

4.1.2平台商家的功能需求 19

4.2基于微信小程序的商城客户端功能模块设计 20

5  基于微信小程序的商城客户端开发与实现 21

5.1基于微信小程序开发概述 21

5.1.1微信小程序开发模式的数据交互方式 21

5.1.2微信小程序开发模式的接口 22

5.2微信小程序消息接口简介 23

5.2.1消息推送 23

5.2.2消息回复 25

5.3基于微信小程序的商城客户端核心模块的实现 27

5.3.1基于thinkjava框架开发 27

5.3.2代码目录结构 28

5.3.3自动回复需求的实现 29

5.3.4小程序管理功能 30

5.3.5微信用户中心 30

5.3.6关注欢迎语 30

5.3.7自定义回复 31

5.3.8智能聊天 34

5.3.9建议意见留言 34

5.3.10会员卡 36

5.3.11自定义菜单 41

5.3.12融合第三方功能扩展 44

6  基于微信小程序的商城客户端功能测试 47

6.1测试环境 47

6.2具体测试 47

6.3测试结果 49

7  总结与展望 50

7.1作品总结 50

7.2未来展望 50

致  谢 52

参考文献 53

该项目功能和数据库参考ecshop,服务端api基于node.js thinkjs mysql,计划添加基于vue.js的后台管理系统、pc版、wap版。详细功能如下:










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