research on the management information system of college education and teaching based on web-九游会j9登录

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research on the management information system of college education and teaching based on web
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research on the management information system of college education and teaching based on web

the traditional university education and teaching management information system has the problems of low information recall, poor information precision, and long query time. therefore, this paper designs a university education and teaching management information system based on web. through the analysis of the requirements of the higher education and teaching management information system, the design principle of the system is determined, and the structure design of the higher education and teaching management information system is realized; the teaching management information system management process is determined. by calculating the complexity of university education and teaching management information, the priority of query information is determined to effectively improve the processing effect of the system. finally, the relational database model is designed to realize the design of university education and teaching management information system. in order to verify the effectiveness of this method, comparative experiments are designed. experimental results show that this method can effectively improve the low information recall and the poor information precision and shorten the query time.

1. introduction

with the popularization of cernet in all kinds of schools and education management departments at all levels in china, the information construction of education management has entered a new stage of development. the campus network based on internet technology has gradually broken the original closed and independent management mode of education management and started to transform to an interconnected and open system [1]. however, the current research on teaching management information system has begun to take shape, but the actual application is still in its infancy [2]. in addition to the insufficient investment in education funds and the weak basic environment of school informatization, the main reasons are as follows: ① the lack of standards for teaching management information system results in great data redundancy and waste of resources, which makes it difficult to realize resource sharing and system interoperability; or just standardizing data cannot solve the problem of interoperability between different systems. many original independent teaching management information systems have made outstanding contributions to the scientization of education management. however, due to the mutual closure and independent operation of teaching, finance, personnel, equipment, scientific research, and other single management systems developed in different periods and departments, it not only causes great data redundancy and resource waste but also makes it difficult to realize information sharing through the network [3]. ② the information quality of educational administrators is relatively backward; in particular, whether the leading cadres at all levels have the awareness of modern information management is the key factor in the development and application of campus network management information system. if school leaders and education administrators do not have the awareness of modern information management and lack of understanding of the role and characteristics of modern information management, they will not pay attention to and care about the development and use of teaching management information system, which will bring about insurmountable obstacles to the development and application of the system [4]. recently, some schools even have established a relatively perfect teaching management information system, but, due to the defects of some managers in consciousness, ability, and other aspects, as well as the role of conservative factors in the work process, the teaching management information system cannot be fully used and developed.

relevant scholars have made some progress in this field. shi and others proposed the design of university teaching management information system based on mvp mode [5]. the system adopts the more advanced mvp (model view presenter) software design mode and divides the system framework into three layers: model (business logic layer), presenter (moderator layer), and view (view layer). on the basis of the system framework, the hardware used in the system is introduced in detail, including the main control chip and communication network. according to the functional requirements of the system, the system is mainly divided into login module, teacher management module, student management module, public management module, daily management module of educational administration, and system management module, and the throughput performance of the system is compared and analyzed. the results show the following: when 20000 people visit the system at the same time, qps (queries per second), concurrency number, the number of queries per second, the average response time, and other parameters meet the throughput requirements of the system. rongjie and liangnan designed the course of management information system based on the boppps model [6]. in view of the characteristics and problems of the course content of management information system, this paper tries to introduce the boppps learning mode into the management information system classroom and takes the chapter “business information system in career,” which is more comprehensive and difficult to teach, as an example to design the teaching of boppps, so as to achieve interaction and high efficiency. at the same time, it further discusses the specific path and matters needing attention to promote the interactive learning advocated by boppps learning mode and the concept of course modularization to other courses in business school. ganqihong et al. proposed the design and implementation of university teaching equipment management system based on ssm framework [7]. it is of great significance to use information technology to support teaching equipment management and help the whole process of fine management reform of teaching equipment. the system technology architecture based on ssm framework is built. finally, the key algorithms and system examples in the development of the system are given. the experimental test shows that the system includes three functional modules of equipment information management, maintenance management, and operation management, which can realize the informatization of teaching equipment, the whole process, and fine management, and lays the foundation for intelligent management.

information security management refers to the establishment of information security policies and objectives in the overall or specific scope. the organization is required to establish an information security management system by determining the scope of the information security management system, formulating the information security policy, clarifying the management responsibilities, and choosing control objectives and control methods based on risk assessment. to get a truly comprehensive cloud computing service, security is a priority. at the same time, how to better establish the enterprise's own information security management has become the focus of the industry.

however, there are some problems in the above methods, such as poor data recall and long query time. therefore, this paper proposes a web-based university education and teaching management information system. it is a comprehensive teaching management software system which takes teaching management as the core and integrates educational administration management, student status management, teacher student management, school production management, book management, and system management. through the network teaching management information system, education administrators, teachers, and students can query, analyze, and process the information in the process of education anytime and anywhere, so as to accurately and timely reflect the current state of the school's work, use the past data to predict the future, and assist the school's functional departments and principals to manage the school from the overall situation. the network teaching management information system also has a clear meaning of the times, which can meet the requirements of the change of work style in the information age and realize the requirements of informatization, scientization, and modernization of school management to meet the needs of assisting school administrators to make correct decisions.

our contribution is threefold:

1) the traditional university education and teaching management information system has the problems of low information recall, poor information precision, and long query time. therefore, this paper designs a university education and teaching management information system based on web.

2) through the analysis of the requirements of the higher education and teaching management information system, the design principle of the system is determined, and the structure design of the higher education and teaching management information system is realized.

3) experimental results show that this method can effectively improve the low information recall and poor information precision and shorten the query time.

the remainder of this paper is organized as follows. section 2 introduces the information system of education and teaching management. section 3 discusses the software design of university education and teaching management information system. section 4 discusses database design of management information system. section 5 discusses experiment and analysis. section 6 presents the conclusions of the study.

2. information system of education and teaching management based on web

2.1. system requirement analysis.system demand analysis is one of the most important links in the system development. it is the basis of analysis and design to investigate comprehensively from facts. system requirements analysis is an important document in the system analysis stage, it is a milestone, marking the end of the analysis phase, and it is the starting point and basis of the system design stage. it determines whether the next stage of system development can be smoothly carried out, and it is also a contract, which defines the new system that the system developer must deliver to the user [8]. in addition, according to the research of boehm, the demand of software, its application scope, and its complexity are growing continuously without limitation; 85% of the resources consumed need management, design, testing, planning, project management control, change management, and tool development, which need to be considered with equal importance. only 15 percent of software development work is dedicated to coding. thus, how important the demand analysis is can be seen. the purpose of system analysis is to determine the user's requirements and solutions, including the developer's understanding of the existing organizational management status. the user needs the function of information system: data business process, management function, and management data index system. the new system is to be modified and the new management model is added.

on the basis of extensive demand survey, the research group determines the overall function of the system, divides the system into various functional modules according to the overall function of the system, and determines the methods to realize various functions. the system adopts the combination of b/s mode and c/s mode, which is a new software architecture. not only is it conducive to the sharing of information resources, easy to operate, and upgradable and maintainable, but also it ensures the data security to a certain extent [9]. the database adopts microsoft sql server 2000, which is easy to use and provides support for massive data; dreamweaver mx 2004 is used as the design platform, web database middleware technology is used to develop web pages, and ado (active x data object) technology and oledb are used to connect and access the database. most of the pages of the system add instructions or tips to facilitate users to use the functions provided by the system. users can operate the system well by simple input or selection.

2.2.  design principle of the system.

(1) system positioning. when establishing a network information system, we must first make clear who the service object of the system is and what aspects of management the system should mainly complete [10]. for different objects and different user groups, the function of the system has different requirements.

(2) system scale. the scale of the system has a great influence on the overall scheme of the system and the performance requirements of the software and hardware in the system. the system scale mainly refers to the number of system users, the amount of data processing, the number of functional modules, and so on. it can be said that the scale of the system will affect the overall technical solution of the system to some extent. in addition, the scale of the system also has requirements for the software and hardware of the system [11]. if there are few users in the system, the processing speed of the server, the number of ports of the switch, and the transmission rate of the backbone network can be relatively small. on the contrary, the high-speed server, the switch with more ports, and the backbone network with higher transmission rate must be used.

(3) the advanced nature and rationality of technology. generally speaking, the development system is expected to have the best technology and the most powerful function. in the actual system design, we should consider the advanced factors of the technology and the rationality of the practical application according to the comprehensive factors, such as system location and system scale, so as to achieve the optimal performance price ratio [12].

(4) system security. this is one of the most important and core technologies of the network development system. to realize the information management system in the network environment, it is necessary to manage every login user account and provide a security mechanism [13].

(5) good interaction. good interactivity can realize resource sharing and timely information processing, which requires a user interface that is easy to operate and intuitive.

in conclusion, the system function should be determined according to the system positioning and system scale in the system design, and then different specific implementation technologies should be selected according to the specific functional requirements.

2.3. structure design of the system. the system adopts modular structure, and the division and design of each module strictly follow the principle of high cohesion and low coupling [14]. each submodule is called by the main module, and each submodule completes a relatively independent function. each submodule can be developed, tested, and modified independently and finally forms the whole system, so the system has good scalability. the system is divided into eight modules; the system structure is shown in figure 1, and the system flow chart is shown in figure 2.

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