基于.net 的个人账本系统的设计与开发 毕业论文-九游会j9登录

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基于.net 的个人账本系统的设计与开发 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

基于.net 的个人账本系统的设计与开发


学生:** 指导老师:**

摘 要


本论文对个人理财发展进行调研,设计并开发了基于 asp.net mvc 的记账系统,本系统通过 b/s 架构实现,是一款 web 应用程序,前端使用 bootstrap 框架布局,系统数据处理采用 ef、c#技术实现,同时本系统的架构为三层架构,包含业务逻辑层、数据访问层、表现层。

关键词: 账本系统 消费分析 asp.net mvc 三层架构

design and development of personal accounting system based on .net

major: information management and information system student: ** supervisor: **


with the rise of internet and mobile communication technology, the national income and consumption level are constantly improving, and the number and amount of daily consumption of the public is rising exponentially. because of the urgency situation, the inconvenience of carrying traditional account books and other factors, it is difficult for traditional account books to meet the current social situation. for the mass, the management of personal wealth is still an unchanged topic, and there are still a large proportion of people who keep the accounting habits. therefore, a simple and easy-to-use accounting software has become vital important, and since it is in the era of big data. if the accounting software can make analysis and suggestions based on users' consumption behavior, it will be a great help to users to manage and utilize their wealth more rational and therefore improve their living standards. in addition, it will be extremely competitive among software with similar functions.

this dissertation investigates the development of personal finance, designs and develops an accounting system based on asp.net mvc. this system is implemented by b/s architecture, which is a web application. the front-end uses bootstrap framework layout, and the system data is processed by ef and c# technology. besides, the system structure adopts the pattern of three-tier architecture, which includes business logic layer, data access layer and user interface layer.

key  words:  accounting  system      consumption  analysis    asp.net mvc three-tier architecture

目 录

导 论 1

1.1 系统开发背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究情况 1

1.3 论文主要研究内容 2

开发环境和相关技术简介 2

2.1 开发技术 2

2.1.1 c#语言 2

2.1.2 ef 2

2.1.3 三层架构 3

2.1.4 mvc 框架 3

2.2 开发及运行环境 4

2.2.1 开发环境 4

2.2.1  运行环境 4

系统分析 4

3.1 功能需求 4

3.2 性能需求 5

3.2.1 时间特性 5

3.2.2 适应性 5

3.3 安全性需求 6

3.3.1 网络安全性 6

3.3.2 系统安全性 6

3.4 用例模型的建立 6

3.4.1 参与者 6

3.4.2 确定用例 6

3.4.3 建立用例图 7

3.4.4 用例描述 7

系统设计 10

4.1 数据库设计 10

4.1.1 概念模型设计 10

4.1.2 数据库逻辑设计 12

4.1.3 数据库表 13

4.2 总体功能模块设计 15

4.2.1 功能模块划分及概述 15

4.2.2 系统功能模块结构图 15

4.3 系统架构设计 15

详细设计与实现 16

5.1 注册登录模块 16

5.5.1 注册 16

5.5.2 登录 17

5.2 记账模块 18

5.3 报表模块 19

5.3.1 收支统计 19

5.3.2 年度报表 21

5.4 预算模块 24

5.5 分析建议模块 25

5.6 个人信息模块 27

系统测试 27

6.1 测试方法概述 27

6.2 测试用例及结果分析 28

6.2.1 注册登录模块测试用例 28

6.2.2 记账管理模块测试用例 29

6.2.3 编辑预算模块测试用例 30

结束语 30

参考文献 32

致 谢 34

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