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取药机器人的机械结构设计 说明书(论文)定稿 初稿 开题报告 cad图纸 sw三维图 论文检测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





as a country with a large population, coupled with the implementation of the family planning policy, the social structure of china is undergoing significant changes with the evolution of the times, among which the phenomenon of population aging has increasingly become the focus of public attention. this was followed by a significant increase in medical demand, not only in the increase in the number of patients treated, but also in the increasing number of patients treated to manage chronic diseases. this led to a sharp increase in the workload in hospital pharmacies, and the storage, management and distribution of drugs were beyond the coping ability of some pharmacies, which brought great work pressure to pharmacists. to alleviate this situation, many hospitals began to adopt automated drug distribution devices, which not only improved the efficiency of drug distribution and reduced the work intensity of pharmacists, but also effectively reduced drug distribution errors due to fatigue operation.

this research topic will focus on the pharmacy automatic medicine collection device, aiming to design a manipulator that can automatically complete the medicine collection work. in the mechanical structure design of the robot, the medicine taking action of the manipulator will be explored and analyzed in depth to ensure a thorough understanding of the mechanical principles. the core of the design is to define how the manipulator operates, which includes but is not limited to its trajectory and mode of operation. furthermore, the drives and actuators will be carefully selected to ensure that they can work together efficiently to meet the specific needs of the drug-taking task. this process will involve the evaluation of the performance of the different components and the stability and reliability of the entire system. using solidworks software, the designed manipulator is subjected to 3 d modeling and component assembly, and is constantly adjusted and optimized during the design process to ensure the rationality and practicality of the design.

key words: medicine; manipulator; mechanical structure design; solidworks

目  录


第1章 引言

1.1 研究目的与意义

1.2 国内外研究进展概述

1.2.1 国际药品自动取药技术的发展

1.2.2 国内药品自动取药装置的发展

1.3 研究内容与技术路线

1.3.1 研究内容

1.3.2 技术路线

1.4 本章小结

第2章 自动化药房取药机械手的设计方案

2.1 取药机械手的操作流程

2.2 自动取药装置的结构设计

2.3 驱动机制的选定

2.4 本章总结

第3章 水平移动机构的设计与计算

3.1 传动系统设计

3.2 滚珠丝杠与螺母副的选型与校核

3.2.1 计算最大工作载荷(牵引力 n)

3.2.2 计算滚动丝杠的最大动态负载c及初步选择主要尺寸

3.2.3 传动效率的计算









3.4.3 距离额定寿命的计算

3.4.4 额定动载荷的计算

3.4.5 设备选型

3.5 本章总结

第4章 垂直移动平台的设计及其计算分析

4.1 传动机构的规划

4.2 滚珠丝杠副与电机的选型

4.2.1 确定最大工作载荷

4.2.2 滚珠丝杠副的选择

4.2.3 电机型号的选定

4.3 定位系统设计

4.4 本章总结

第5章 取药机械手的设计与实现

5.1 取药机械手的构成与设计

5.2 旋转驱动系统的构建与分析

5.2.1 摆动气缸的选型

3.2.2 缸径的选定与计算过程

5.3 自动取药机械手的设计及其计算

5.3.1 计算所需的夹紧力度

5.3.2 气缸型号的选择

5.4 本章概述


致  谢


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